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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Silence: Chapter 19 Teaser Pic

Silence: Chapter 19 Teaser

Stupid, selfish mother-fucking asshole! Why the fuck are you always leaving when you find out something about Bella's past you don't like?

Shut up dick, its a lot to take in. Besides, I tried to console her and she pulled away. It fucking hurt.

Stop making this about you asshat, she made it clear she wanted to be friends only. You are the one who is pushing her boundaries and making her uncomfortable. You expect her to just wrap her arms around you, kiss you senseless and declare her undying love to you? Grow a pair of balls and turn this fucking car around and apologize for being a dickwad.

"Shut up!" I pounded my fists on the steering wheel, earning strange look from the car next to mine at the red light. Fucker.

I couldn't believe I just walked out on Bella like that, not the first time, but the second damn time she shared something difficult from her past. Was I grateful that she shared her demons with me? Of course. Did I like what I learned? Fuck-to-the-no.